Spiritual Guidance
The management provides religious officers to guide and help the patients. They will routinely visit patients daily to guide patients perform their prayers and provide training and guidance to Al-Islam's workforce, in parallel with the concept of Al-Islam Specialist Hospital, which is Ibadah Friendly (IFH).
Ziarah Service - Patients in Al-Islam will be assisted and guided by an ustaz for male patients and an ustazah for female patients to work in hospitals.
Service Advisor - Provides religious officers (Chaplaincy) to guide and help the patients. As a sign of our concern in upholding the values of Islamic teachings, consult, Al-Islam's seeks to safeguard the patient's care in the aspect of care.
Aurah & Dignity - As a Worship Ibadah Friendly Hospital, we emphasize the care of aurah and dignity throughout the medical procedure while the patient is in the hospital